Greener, Cleaner and Safer: Environmental Enforcement

For local authorities, environmental enforcement is an essential but problematic task. While the ability to issue, administer and process Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) is vital to address concerns such as littering and dog fouling, ensuring greener, cleaner and safer local communities; increasing legislation and enforcement efforts are resulting in greater numbers of FPNs – the management of which presents a significant challenge for authority staff.

Fortunately there is a way to alleviate such concerns: Imperial’s Environmental Enforcement system effortlessly manages the entire process, from the issue of notices via handheld computers, through to back office, progression through the relevant path and to payment, prosecution or subsequent debt recovery.

Watch: Imperial Solutions for Greener, Cleaner and Safer Environmental Enforcement

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Positive Parking Management: Imperial Solutions

With Imperial, local authorities can:

  • Reduce administrative effort associated with managing FPNs
  • Eliminate manual data entry and associated errors
  • Issue retrospective postal FPNs where required
  • Reduce community cleaning costs
  • Harness data to target ‘hotspots’ and manage events
  • Improve local image and create a more pleasant living environment
  • Align Environmental Enforcement and Parking Management tools
Rialto solution

Issuing Notices


Smartphone-based PCN issuing software speeds up notice issue and ensures all required evidence is accurately recorded to maximise recovery rates.

GeoSmarti solution

GPS Mapping


Map-based monitoring of patrolling officers provides visibility of positions, PCNs issued & more. Real-time contact/direction maximises productivity and aids ‘duty of care’ responsibilities.

3Sixty solution

Notice Processing


Simple, automatic, end-to-end notice processing. Meets all legislative requirements & covers all possible contraventions/debt recovery processes – including CCTV.

Business Processing Unit solution

Processing Services

(Business Processing Unit)

Award-winning BPU utilises the full suite of Imperial solutions. We can manage all your parking processes, including manual call handling – ongoing or for a specific duration.

Powercube solution

Management Information


Easily harness data from back-office notice processing and permit systems to identify trends and solve problems.

Photo of litter bins

FPN Processing

(3Sixty Environmental)

Tackling environmental offences via the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices has become much easier with this dedicated environmental enforcement software.

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Our Environmental Enforcement Customers

Glasgow City Council

“Imperial’s Environmental Enforcement software has transformed the issuing and processing of around 20,000 Fixed Penalty Notices a year. The system offers totally integrated environmental enforcement management including automated telephone and online payment options. “
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Related Resources

Dedicated technology helps Glasgow to set new standards in environmental enforcement

A major advance in environmental enforcement is helping Community Safety Glasgow (CSG) to maximise the effectiveness of its drive to address litter

Fixed Penalty Enforcement

As we all work to keep our neighbourhoods greener, cleaner and safer, the number of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued by local authorities has increased.

© 2025 Imperial Civil Enforcement Solutions Limited

Company Registration Number: 02023383 ¦ Registered Office Address: Century House, 1 The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7HD