Imperial’s Ashley Bijster Published in Air Quality News

by | Oct 27, 2020 | Blog

We were pleased to see Imperial Managing Director Ashley Bijster recently published in Air Quality News. Her feature article addresses the timely topic of how to encourage sustainable travel in a post-covid-19 world, in order to maintain air quality and address concerns over global emissions.

In the article, Ashley looks back to the temporary improvement in urban air quality during Covid-19 lockdown, and the worrying rebound we have seen since, as damaged confidence in public transport has resulted in worrying numbers of private car journeys.

Ashley outlines the very real concern that far from improving air quality as was once predicted, in the long run Covid-19 could bring about a future with more traffic, more pollution, and a climate crisis moving faster than ever.

As Ashley explains, Clean Air Zones (CAZ) should be considered as a way to manage behaviour in order to address this issue and encourage more sustainable forms of travel.

The good news here is that while Clean Air Zones are a new concept in some regions, in principle the processes are very similar to the management of bus lanes. This means that local authorities can take advantage of proven existing solutions – such as those provided by Imperial – to minimise the cost and risk of implementing them.

Clean Air Zones present the potential for better urban environments and a healthier future for the planet. To find out how Imperial can help to deliver them in your area, please get in touch.

You can read Ashley’s article in full here.

Clean air zones and sustainable travel

Photo credit – Pixabay

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